Part 4 Ultimate Frisbee Core Strength Training Disc Throwing Functional Core

Insync Physiotherapy

Start by placing a resistance band loop that is just above waist height in length securely in your pivot shoe. Then wrap another band that’s shoulder width long around your ankles. Place the longer loop and the disc in your throwing hand. Next, begin to side step and initiate the flick throw and return to the start position. You can vary the side step to make it lower and deeper; Making sure you keep your form intact. Repeat 10-15 times. Next you will engage your core stability muscles to work in practicing your back hand throws. As you step forward and across the body to follow through make sure you keep your core engaged. Repeat this 10-15 times. Then engage your shoulder and core stability strength with your hammer throws. Also repeating this 10-15 times. Do 3 sets of each. Disc Throwing Functional core strengthening helps you to fully rehabilitate from shoulder sprains, rotator cuffs injuries, elbow strains, hip, knee, ankle, back or neck strains. This is great for taking that next step to increasing your functional shoulder strength because it trains the upper extremity to work in conjunction with your core stability muscles.

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